Meet Gay M.! With a background of 23 years as a vet tech and in rescue, Gay is a wonderful asset to the Foster Program at the Humane Society. While always willing to help where there's a need, she has an especially soft spot for senior, special needs small breed dogs, and neonate kittens. She has also been an active foster for 12 years! Her encouragement for new or potential fosters is, "Fostering can be such a rewarding experience. When it's time to let them go, just remember the reason why you do it in the first place - to give them the best hope at finding a forever home. It's not easy, but you'll always have another foster waiting for you."
"When I began fostering, I was super nervous about it. But when I got my first dog, it was so fulfilling. I've fostered nine dogs since 2022, and each dog has been a new challenge. The dogs I've gotten from fostering have ranged from abuse recovery to stress relief, and even rehab from surgical procedures. Fostering is such a rewarding experience, and to see each foster come out of their shells and enjoy the world is refreshing. I think others should foster because fostering gives these animals another chance, as cliche as that sounds. I've seen dogs that are terrified of people become the sweetest things you've ever met within just a few weeks of being in a foster home. The reward that comes after helping them is an experience like no other, and I hope others can realize how important it is for foster animals to get relief from the shelter, rehabilitation, and socialization to get them ready for adoption! Hearing the news that one of your fosters got adopted is some of the best news that you can receive, because it means that the hard work paid off. I'm so glad I started fostering, and I love working with the Humane Society staff - they make everything so easy!" - Daria W.
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Adoption Center
3161 W. Norton Road, Springfield, Missouri 65803 |